About us

Company SecTec

SecTec a.s. operates on the Slovak IT market as a value-added distributor focused on the distribution and sale of security and virtualization technologies from top manufacturers. Thanks to providing comprehensive solutions ranging from consulting, security strategy design to implementation and management of security systems, it has become one of the market leaders in the field of IT security.

As seen by SecTec

We are aware that the current times require a modern and dynamic distributor that can provide high added value to the market.

Sales and technical know-how

Through our specialists with many years of experience, we provide business and technical know-how at a high level. Dedicated technology teams provide customers with expertise and a personal touch.

Top solutions from world leaders in IT security

In our portfolio you can find only the offer of the world’s technology leaders. Products and solutions are sold exclusively to system integrators or certified partners of the manufacturers.

We don't just sell products, we offer complete solutions

We do not try to sell products, but to offer comprehensive solutions. From selection, testing, through very substantial project financing to technical support and training.

Become our partner

You are just a small step away from working with SecTec.

Our vendors

Events with our vendors

Rapid7 webinár: CLOUDSEC- bezpečnosť v naozajstných cloudoch
Ak ste začínajúca firma a nechcete riešiť samostatný server alebo serverovňu, tento webinár je pre Vás! Pripojte sa k nášmu webináru a dozviete sa, ako…
Webinár Check Point: Praktický workshop bez Slidov
Zameráme sa na onboarding nového zákazníka, alebo “Začíname s Checkpoint security od začiatku”. Bez zbytočných slidov sa ponoríme priamo do praktickej inštalácie a konfigurácie kľúčových…
Technologické raňajky s VMware: Moderné aplikácie a ich bezpečnosť
Aj v Novom roku pokračujeme v obľúbených Technologických raňajkách s VMware a pozývame vás na pokračovanie ďalšej série, ktorá sa uskutoční už 17. januára v…

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